Before the Surge

As larger projects are debated and delayed, an array of sandbags, earthworks, and other humble infrastructures of defense are emerging across New York City to provide buffers against the sea.


Everyone Has Something to Give, Everyone Has Something That They Need

With so many New Yorkers sick, out-of-work, and risking arrest at the front lines of protests, Crown Heights Mutual Aid has been pooling human and economic resources to help their neighbors-in-need. We hear from some of the group's members about the city's rapidly evolving landscape of care, the importance of staying local, and the challenges of being in it for the long haul.

Saving Water

Along the Brooklyn-Queens border, 50 acres of abandoned water infrastructure have gradually transformed into a unique wetland ecosystem. What's in store for the Ridgewood Reservoir?

Ship Shape

The on-demand economy demands a lot from New York City’s streets. How might logistics better integrate with the city’s sidewalk ballet?

Where Are the Public Bathrooms in New York City?

With too few facilities, and many in urgent need of repair or renovation, New York has a big public bathroom problem. But the city's parks, plazas, POPS, and more hold clues to overhauling its network of relief.

Digital Frictions

A Tour of Some Logistics Landscapes

From satellites to elevators, the technologies that coordinate the on-demand economy also organize our sense of what kind of world is possible and desirable.

A Leg Up on the Last Mile

The on-demand economy is helping restore New York City’s historic warehouses to their original purpose, and spurring the development of a new generation of industrial-scale architecture in the urban core.


Following the trail of New York City’s municipal solid waste from curbside pickup to sites far beyond its borders, two artists document a system that benefits from low visibility as it dramatically extends the city’s footprint.

Organic Machines

Thousands of new rain gardens are soaking up stormwater across the city. As green infrastructure settles into the sidewalk, can we learn to love a sewer?

The People's Power

In Sunset Park, a community-owned solar garden promises a new kind of security for long-time residents, and a new life for the industrial waterfront.