Capturing Change

Revisiting Freshkills' West Mound

Five photographers return to the site of the Freshkills Park Project to document the transformation of landfill into landscape.

Boxed In, Boxed Out

As Diatre Padilla explains, getting around in the city and getting ahead in life are inextricably linked—especially in the Southeast Bronx, where the Bruckner Expressway casts a long shadow.

Capturing Change

Freshkills: Open Sky Country

Five photographers roamed a wintry Freshkills Park, finding company in ducks and deer.

Salt Pile

As a pit deepens in Chile, a pile rises in New York City. Dan Adams and Marie Law Adams chart the story of New York's relationship with one mineral — from explosions on a faraway salt flat, across oceans, and to its landing in a dynamic mountain on Staten Island's North Shore.


Ted Nabavi Turns Hazards to Riches

The chemist who monitors gas and liquids produced by the world's largest landfill touts the benefits of harvesting environmental hazards and the monitoring system with aviation roots that gives him eyes across thousands of acres.

Capturing Change

From Freshkills's West Mound

Four photographers visit Freshkills' largest mound for an up-close look at the landfill capping process.

Navigating Policy Toward a Good Food New York

Food chain expert Karen Karp weighs in on the complex policies behind school lunches, equity and access to healthy food, and ambitious new initiatives to better connect New York City residents to upstate agricultural wealth.

Pneumatic Tubes for One New York’s Trash

Juliette Spertus and Benjamin Miller lay out their ambitious proposal for a pneumatic waste system affixed beneath the High Line and articulate how this expansion of infrastructural repurposing could fundamentally reshape what we do with our garbage.

Under-Development: Reclaiming 700 Miles of Public Space

There are hundreds of miles of space beneath the city’s elevated transportation infrastructure, much of it underutilized and uninviting. Here, a team of designers and planners discuss a two-year study investigating creative yet practical ways to enliven and expand access to these corridors of public space.