The Analytics of Fire
Jeffrey Roth, the Assistant Commissioner for Management Initiatives at the New York City Fire Department, explains how his team is pushing the boundaries of analytics to inform operations and improve government stewardship of public resources.
Picture the Homeless Hits the Pavement
Marcus Moore and Sam Miller of Picture the Homeless, an organization led by homeless and formerly homeless people, discuss their activism on issues of affordable housing, police harassment, and shelter reform.
A Day in the Life of Branch Libraries
A video offers a powerful case for why libraries need additional resources to extend opening hours.
Hard Units: A Drive through Jersey City with Brian Loughlin
Brian Loughlin, the chief architect for the Jersey City Housing Authority, takes us on a tour of recent renovations and rehabilitations, demonstrating the architectural innovation and policy acumen required to navigate federal housing programs and create sound homes and neighborhoods.
The City in the Classroom: Career and Technical Education in NYC Schools
John Surico reports on the rise of Career and Technical Education in New York City schools, chronicling how it aligns with urban policy priorities to diversify the economy and create jobs.
The Value of Land: How Community Land Trusts Maintain Housing Affordability
Oksana Mironova charts an alternative strategy to land ownership and property management that helps communities solve a broad range of problems — including widening inequality and decreasing community control over housing costs — that affect residents across the country.
What Is Zoning?
Christine Gaspar of the Center for Urban Pedagogy walks us through the core concepts of New York City’s zoning code and describes the strategies the organization employs to break down its complexity.