Open Data Standards for City Agencies

Erratic time lines, gaps in outdated information and incompatible forms often frustrate the process of locating and accessing data from city agencies. Even learning what data exists – let alone its availability – may require some serious mining. Besides, once researchers and tech developers get their hands on data, the city may have its own ideas about...

Bringing Basements to Code

Seema Agnani’s work with South Asian immigrants on housing needs charts a course for legalizing basement apartments to create affordable housing.

Food and the Shape of Cities

Sarah Rich and Nicola Twilley discuss the impact of food systems on the physical city in advance of Foodprint NYC, an event at Studio-X.

Empowering the City: London / New York

Gerald Frug contrasts the structures and powers of city government in London and New York in order to ask a crucial urban question: what are our cities empowered to do?

The Public Works

Nancy Levinson reviews some provocative positions on infrastructure and challenges designers to recast the relationship between individual initiative and political community.

The Immigrants & Parks Collaborative

For five years this collaborative has worked to address the challenge of increasing immigrant involvement in city parks. Check out their work and hear from two participants.

Manufacturing a Real Economy

Nicole Salazar talks to Adam Friedman, former executive director of NYIRN, about the importance of the manufacturing industry in New York.

One Size Fits Some

This symposium is part of the Citizens Housing & Planning Council’s broad-based investigation of housing and space standards in New York City. Read, watch, listen and respond.

People Make Parks

Anoo Siddiqi and Hillary Angelo explore participatory design processes in New York City's public spaces and introduce the People Make Parks initiative.

Making Policy Public: Predatory Equity

Glen Cummings shares the process of creating the Predatory Equity Survival Guide.