
Cleaning Up?

Hidden Maladies and Misplaced Remedies

Toxic industrial legacies — and their hazards — extend far beyond high-profile parcels. Measures to remediate them need to treat a broader urban landscape, too.

Cleaning Up?

Gasworks, Lost and Found

Manufactured gas plants disappeared from cityscapes long ago. In most cases, so did awareness of their toxic traces. Can neural networks now detect the hazardous remains that elude regulators?

Cleaning Up?

Air Grievances

In environmental justice communities, knowledge about air pollution hotspots comes from the ground up. Shouldn't remedies start there too?

Cleaning Up?

Remediation as Ongoing Process of Recovery and Repair: Bronx River House

Seeing Double

The material flows that feed Manhattan's iconic public spaces reveal "reciprocal landscapes" whose fates are tied together by fertilizer, pavers, and planks.

People Movers

A Safe Space

Immigrant day laborers, construction workers and domestic workers experience hazardous conditions in the best of times. Worker's Justice Project and its worker centers are building a culture of safety and solidarity.

A Leg Up on the Last Mile

The on-demand economy is helping restore New York City’s historic warehouses to their original purpose, and spurring the development of a new generation of industrial-scale architecture in the urban core.

People Movers

Power Tools

To help close the construction industry’s gender gap, Judaline Cassidy is laying the foundation for New York City’s next generation of tradeswomen.


Signs of the Times

From small and ubiquitous markers to massive bespoke steel numerals, this longstanding Greenpoint signage company helps New Yorkers navigate the city.

Co-Op City

Rather than extractive economic development, the Bronx Cooperative Development Initiative cultivates a vision of home-grown wealth that stays in the borough.