Digital Frictions

Latchkey Living

An indicator species in vinyl and metal, the streetside lockbox signals the rise of a short-term city.

Digital Frictions

Tools of Collective Intelligence

As building technologies from doorbells to thermostats claim to become ever “smarter,” how do they mesh with the social life of shared spaces?

Digital Frictions

Where Code Meets Concrete

Introducing the series Digital Frictions. What happens when the “smart city” encounters other forms of urban intelligence?

Stalking the Smart City

An artist and an artificial intelligence, trained on the data of 1,000 anonymous New Yorkers, follow a path forged by no one in particular.

The Location of Justice: Systems

Where Corrections Meets Connections

People trying to stay connected to their loved ones in New York's jails and prisons must travel great distances and navigate intimidating rules and requirements.

The Location of Justice: Systems

Where School Meets Prison

As police personnel and machinery have settled into New York City schools, the line between school discipline and criminal punishment has become blurry.

The Location of Justice: Systems

Policing Is an Information Business

The NYPD vaunts crime mapping technologies from CompStat maps to a vast networked surveillance infrastructure. Who benefits?

The Location of Justice: Systems

The CompStat Evangelist Consultant World Tour

28 maps track the networks of consultancy through which CompStat's architects spread the gospel — often for a tidy fee.

The Location of Justice: Systems

A Non-Exhaustive Taxonomy of Tools of Data-Driven Policing

A huge range of emergent technologies give police new ways to gather data and surveil. What's on the market?

Illuminated Futures

The city that never sleeps depends on 396,572 street lights. As bright white LEDs replace the familiar amber glow, what does tomorrow (night) hold?