Hacking the Civic Architecture

How BetaNYC builds the tools community boards need for the 21st century.

Circulation Desk

Public Space Arms Race

Battles for inclusion and exclusion in the life of the city more often end in stand-offs than in skirmishes.

Circulation Desk

Little Black Boxes

For the Circulation Desk, five books explore the stuff that binds us together in infrastructure networks public and private, old and new.

Urban Memory Infrastructure

A city needs memory like it needs streets, trees, and people. But how do we build an infrastructure to contain and deliver the city's history? Ben Vershbow, former director of NYPL Labs, talks with Shannon Mattern about libraries as stewards of the past in the age of Google Maps.

The People vs. the Staten Island Bus Network

Can civic hackers fix the sprawling borough's bus system? Kennett Werner reports on the first-ever Staten Island Bus Hackathon.

Ventilation Goes Vegetal: CASE's Plant-Based Air Filtration System

Jason Vollen walks us through the many processes and benefits — health, environmental, and economic — behind the installation of novel plant wall technology in the City's new Bronx-based Public Safety Answering Center.

Made in SI: Inside the Staten Island MakerSpace

DB Lampman of the Staten Island MakerSpace lays out its role in fostering creative ventures in the borough as significant real estate development reshapes the North Shore.

Old Maps, New Tricks: Digital Archaeology in the 19th-Century City

Leah Meisterlin and Gergely Baics demonstrate how mining data embedded in historical maps is opening new seams in experimental urban research.

Profiles in Public Service

The Anatomy of Emergency

James McConnell, Assistant Commissioner for Strategic Data at the NYC Office of Emergency Management, dissects the process by which data turns into emergency response and reminds us that effectiveness in a crisis requires long-term planning supported by accurate information.