City of Systems

City of Systems: Skyscraper Mechanical

In our third video on complex urban systems, mechanic Jim Ferrari takes us behind closed doors to reveal the inner workings of a midtown Manhattan office building.

Lead Pencil Studio: Looking at Nothing

Annie Han and Daniel Mihalyo describe their laser scanning studies of urban public spaces as an attempt to measure the invisible effect of shape and proportion on spatial experience.


A living city is always in Beta. Let’s Play. Carl Skelton discusses how an open source, multi-player environment for cities can expand the participatory toolset of engaged urban citizens.

Intelligent Cities

Susan Piedmont-Palladino and Scott Kratz talk about a National Building Museum initiative to explore how we live in cities today and how to make better decisions for our future.

New City Reader

Kazys Varnelis discusses the temporary "newspaper of public space" he created with Joseph Grima for the New Museum exhibition "The Last Newspaper."


David Mahfouda and Alex Pasternack discuss a mobile app that could make NYC’s fleet of 13,000 taxis a more efficient, affordable, and social mode of transit.

Code for America

Jennifer Pahlka, founder of a non-profit that links city governments and web 2.0 talent, envisions a future in which city governments act more like the citizens they serve.

Frameworks for Citizen Responsiveness: Towards a Read/Write Urbanism

Adam Greenfield ponders the ways citizens call out trouble spots in the urban landscape and asks how we might redesign the performance of that landscape itself.

Open Data Standards for City Agencies

Erratic time lines, gaps in outdated information and incompatible forms often frustrate the process of locating and accessing data from city agencies. Even learning what data exists – let alone its availability – may require some serious mining. Besides, once researchers and tech developers get their hands on data, the city may have its own ideas about...

Efficiency and Effectiveness: Inside the Regional Assembly

Samir Shah recaps “Innovation and the American Metropolis” and calls for a broad and values-based vision to guide design and planning's use of technology.