The Sheepdog of Times Square: Snøhetta in New York

Craig Dykers and Elaine Molinar of the Norwegian-American firm Snøhetta discuss their work at the League's April "Current Work" lecture.

The Quest for Community-Run Commercial Space

The Real Estate Investment Cooperative wants to support community-oriented commercial development in New York City. How can a grassroots organization compete in the nation's most expensive commercial real estate market?

Introducing a New Newsletter

In which UO debuts a new newsletter

The Photography of Obsolescence: Goldwater Hospital Exhibition

An exhibition of Charles Giraudet's photographs of Goldwater Hospital will open on March 11th, with a conversation between Giraudet and photographer Christopher Payne.


Ted Nabavi Turns Hazards to Riches

The chemist who monitors gas and liquids produced by the world's largest landfill touts the benefits of harvesting environmental hazards and the monitoring system with aviation roots that gives him eyes across thousands of acres.

Bronx Farm Helps Refugees Put Down Roots

Two refugees, a longtime community member, and the International Rescue Committee's New Roots program manager tell us how a Bronx garden melds resettlement efforts, job training, and good ole' fashioned community building, served up with a side of bitter melon.

The LA Landscapes of Mia Lehrer | February 16

Landscape architect Lehrer presents recent work from the Left Coast, including the LA River Revitalization master plan and a park to accompany the Los Angeles Rams' new stadium in an Architectural League lecture moderated by Kate Orff.

Reading As Seen On [ ] | Audio Included!


Joe Steele's Eyes in the Sky

Bridge paint does far more than give the Williamsburg and Hell Gate Bridges their iconic pink and crimson hues; specialist painter Joe Steele protects structures from the elements and help ensure their safety.

December 18th | The Supreme Court Justice and the Architect