Reclad and Rework: Updating Midtown's Office Towers

MdeAS Architects principal Dan Shannon walks through the market, regulatory, and cultural forces behind Midtown commercial redevelopment projects and their potential to transform aging assets into competitive buildings.

The 7th Annual Thanksgiving Roundup

Our annual Thanksgiving Roundup is meaty with an in-depth exploration of a block in Bed-Stuy, a 2015 fight over school segregation, updates on long-running megaprojects, and a side of delicious exhibitions to check out this holiday weekend.

Winners of AsSeen On [ ] | January 13


Michael Saunders Turns Old Tech New

At the Lower East Side Ecology Center’s E-Waste Warehouse, Michael Saunders handles 23 tons of e-waste per month, recovering sometimes hazardous yet very valuable materials.

Ventilation Goes Vegetal: CASE's Plant-Based Air Filtration System

Jason Vollen walks us through the many processes and benefits — health, environmental, and economic — behind the installation of novel plant wall technology in the City's new Bronx-based Public Safety Answering Center.

OmniBeers | November 11

Join us on Wednesday, November 11th, at the Bronx AleHouse from 7-9pm for the next installment of our occasional gathering of Omnibus readers, writers, editors, and general urban enthusiasts over happy hour drinks.


Jason Coatney Paints Big

In the inaugural installment of Citymakers, a new series on the sometimes-overlooked individuals who create and run the city, outdoor ad painter Jason Coatney details the drama and nitty-gritty of his craft.

Partner & Partners' Graphic Activism

Forager's Metropolis: A Conversation with Marla Emery

Geographer Marla Emery explains the nuances of urban foraging — its cultural and personal purposes, public health benefits and risks, and potential and pitfalls for land management.

Navigating Policy Toward a Good Food New York

Food chain expert Karen Karp weighs in on the complex policies behind school lunches, equity and access to healthy food, and ambitious new initiatives to better connect New York City residents to upstate agricultural wealth.