In the Hudson's Image

For activists, scientists, and designers, images from the river's past hold the key to imagining its future.

Shelf Life

We The News

As local newspapers dwindle, an artist revives New York’s classic newsstand to collect and circulate more diverse stories about immigration.

The Truth About Trees

An artist and a historian talk trees: What they mean, and what it takes to get city-dwellers to see them clearly.

Sights Set on Long Island City

Over a decade in his Queens neighborhood, a photographer sees constant change.

Bright Megaphone

With simple phrases beamed in light, the Illuminator Collective appropriates buildings' exteriors to reveal the forces at work inside.

Intersections: Going Out

See and Be Seen

When safe space is hard to find, art and events collective Papi Juice gives queer and trans people of color a home — and a soundtrack — for the night.


Underexposed | 12

In the middle of a paved Midtown park, tunnel air whirs through 46 huge fans.

Intersections: Going Out

Muted Monumentality

A new Monument to Gay and Transgender People merges strength and fragility, as well as communion and isolation, by the banks of the Hudson River.


Underexposed | 11

In West Harlem, a wastewater treatment plants hides beneath a 28-acre state park.

Keith's Kids

The stylized figures of Keith Haring have spread across the world, but his radical vision hasn’t always travelled with them.