City of Cycling: Speed


Guest editors SLO Architecture present the first installment in the series City of Cycling. Bicycles can serve as slow, local transportation and fast, long-distance travel. How are they changing our metropolitan infrastructures?

Boxed In, Boxed Out

As Diatre Padilla explains, getting around in the city and getting ahead in life are inextricably linked—especially in the Southeast Bronx, where the Bruckner Expressway casts a long shadow.

The People vs. the Staten Island Bus Network

Can civic hackers fix the sprawling borough's bus system? Kennett Werner reports on the first-ever Staten Island Bus Hackathon.

Under-Development: Reclaiming 700 Miles of Public Space

There are hundreds of miles of space beneath the city’s elevated transportation infrastructure, much of it underutilized and uninviting. Here, a team of designers and planners discuss a two-year study investigating creative yet practical ways to enliven and expand access to these corridors of public space.

Profiles in Public Service

Spanning Water, Rail, and Road: New York's Iconic and Inconspicuous Bridges

Transportation engineer Henry Perahia discusses his 15 years as the DOT Chief Bridge Officer and sheds light on what it takes to design, construct, and maintain 789 City-owned bridges.